
Friday, September 30, 2016

Learning Piece Reflection

The picture above is of a final project for my literature group.  Over the past couple of weeks, we have been reading Madeleine L'Engle's A Ring of Endless Light.  We have been focusing on characters and themes.  The standards I have been focusing on are:

Reading Standards for Literature Key Ideas and Details #2, Grade 8:  Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.

Reading Standards for Literature Integration of Knowledge and Ideas #7, Grade 8: Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.

In class discussions, we have spent time talking about each of the main characters--their physical descriptions, their personalities, how they factor in the story.  We are currently watching the movie, and the students will be writing paragraphs about how the portrayal of the characters in the movie (which differs from the book) changes the overall plot and themes of the story.  Since I knew we were going to be doing this final writing assignment, I wanted students to create their own "cast of characters" before watching the movie.  

Throughout the movie cast project, I reminded students to really focus on how L'Engle describes the characters.  She is very descriptive about both characters personalities and physical appearance.  Students, in groups of 2 and 3, cast different celebrities in each role.  When the students presented their poster of the cast, they explained why they chose each person for each role.

This project relates to the first listed standard, about determining the theme and its relationship to characters.  I wanted the students to understand why understanding the characters is crucial toward understanding the theme of the book as a whole.  I think this piece of assessment was successful.  We worked on our cast during class time, and I was able to model for the students how I chose different people for the roles (I created my own poster as well).  The students were able to express very clearly how they used the text to create their own cast.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My Goals

   My first goal this semester is to begin developing lesson plans that engage all levels of student learning abilities.  In the past, I have struggled with making differentiated lesson plans and goals.  I want to create learning goals and use methods that are challenging to all students, but also attainable by all students.     I have several assignments in classes as well as my responsibilities in my classroom that will require me to create lesson plans.  I will use these opportunities to focus on making plans that don’t use typical assessments and teaching methods.  I will also speak with the special education teacher in Swift House about specific students whom I teach, so that I can make lesson plans that are inclusive of any challenges they might face.

     My second goal focuses on my teaching style.  I feel the need/urge to always be lecturing in the classroom.  I want to grow more comfortable with being quiet, with letting students have private or small group reasoning time.       My mentor teacher is very good at this, and I will use my time under her this semester to learn how to implement this skill in preparation for student teaching next semester.  I will also focus on implementing teaching methods like gradual release and inquiry based learning into my lesson plans. I want to start student teaching in January not just knowledgable in these methods but comfortable.     I think the biggest indicator of my growth in these goals will be through both personal and outside observation of my teaching.  My hope is that when I am observed in the classroom next semester, my teaching will be engaging and differentiated and that I will not be lecturing the whole class period. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Part 3 Portfolio Standards Tags (Do not Delete)

Part Three: Professional Responsibility - Candidates demonstrate their ability to thoughtfully examine, critically analyze, and insightfully reflect upon their readiness for professional responsibility.

Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice – The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate [their] practice, particularly the effects of [their] choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Performance Criterion 9.1: Candidates are prepared for self-directed, continuous professional learning.
Performance Criterion 9.2:  Candidates are prepared to practice in a legal and ethical manner.  

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration – The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth and to advance the profession.
Performance Criterion 10.1: Candidates are prepared to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure student learning.

Performance Criterion 10.2: Candidates are prepared to advance the profession through advocacy, leadership and/or action research.

Part 2 Portfolio Standards Tags (Do not Delete)

Part Two: Content Knowledge and Instructional Practice - Candidates demonstrate the ability to thoughtfully examine, critically analyze, and insightfully reflect upon the use of content knowledge and assessment, planning, and instructional strategies to implement creative, rigorous, and engaging learning experiences.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge – The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) [they] teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content.
Performance Criterion 4.1: Candidates accurately communicate central concepts of the discipline.
Performance Criterion 4.2: Candidates accurately address common misconceptions of the

Standard 5: Application of Content for Transferable Skills – The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
Performance Criterion 5.1: Candidates engage learners in applying perspectives from varied disciplines in authentic contexts (such as local and global issues).
Performance Criterion 5.2: Candidates integrate cross-disciplinary skills (such as critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving) to help learners demonstrate their learning in unique ways.

Standard 6: Assessment – The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learning progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
Performance Criterion 6.1: Candidates implement multiple methods of assessment to monitor learner progress to inform instructional practice.
Performance Criterion 6.2: Candidates analyze an individual student’s work over time using multiple methods of assessment to adjust instruction.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction – The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Performance Criterion 7.1: Candidates plan instruction by drawing upon knowledge of content areas to meet rigorous learning goals.
Performance Criterion 7.2: Candidates plan instruction by drawing upon knowledge of learners to meet rigorous learning goals.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies – The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Performance Criterion 8.1: Candidates use a variety of instructional strategies to make the discipline accessible for diverse learners.

Performance Criterion 8.2: Candidates use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.