This chair and a matching one sit in the space between Ms. Skapof and Ms. Donnely's classrooms. Students are able to sit in these chairs during silent reading and sometimes during core time. Students are expected to be reading or working on homework while sitting in these chairs.
Students LOVE sitting in these chairs, even though they are still expected to complete work while in them. Students love these chairs for two main reasons. The first is that the chairs feel special. Honestly, are the chairs that different than a desk? No. They are older and not that comfortable. But they are not desks, and that seems to be enough. It is a treat to get to the chairs first.
Second, students from both of the classrooms end up in the chairs. You may get to sit over there with a friend from another core. You are still supposed to be working, but you are working next to a friend. Sometimes that distracts students, but often it ends up working out well.
I love the idea of having a special seating area within my future classroom. I might use a couple of arm chairs, bean bags, or even a futon or couch. I would have to monitor it closely, to make sure students were actually getting work done while sitting in that area. But I think it would be a good reward to use during reading workshop or silent reading.